
Canary Pudding and Outrage

Hello  Is it really that time again?  When I open up this computer and chat to you about some wonderfully Victorian stuff as well as talk your ear off about Sherlock Holmes? Why, IT MUST BE! Firstly thank you to all of you who have bought my book and an especially big thank you to those who have given it lovely reviews.  I was so apprehensive about writing anything to do with Holmes because, even though I love Holmes & Watson, the hard core Sherlockians can be a little bit.. shall we say..stuff?  Yes, let's go with stuffy. And they are also well known for being a little hyper critical when it comes to the detective and his biographer.  Luckily I've found some lovely, fluffy and warm hearted people within the fandom and so I've relaxed into it, slightly. On the RARE chance that you haven't bought my book yet then you can pop over to Amazon, heck, I'll even give you a link..

Listen and repeat after me...

Hello Well, things have certainly been super hectic here in Nicko HQ over the past month. Although, in the middle, I did have two weeks of pottering around the Sussex Downs, Dartmoor, Portsmouth and Cornwall. I have NO idea what would have held my interests there ;) My book “The Adventure of the Wordy Companion: An A-Z Guide to Sherlockian Phraseology has had a review, and it’s by none other than award-winning Sherlockian Alistair Duncan! He was super lovely and now I have my first official quote about my book: "To those of a more scholarly persuasion, I feel it can only be an asset to your library." You see that? Scholarly persuasion. That’s grown up talk for people who are smart ‘n’ stuff! Also, the lovely people at Waterstones in Uxbridge did this with my book on their shelf If you want to buy my book, because you’re smart in the head, then you can get it in all the usual places, but let’s go for Waterstone


Afternoon! I am surprised I can actually write this seeing as I am nothing more than a puddle on the floor at the moment.  At least I have a legitimate excuse to eat ice cream and do very little whilst wearing only my underwear.  Apologies if you are eating.  Well, it's finally happened.  I have a date for the publication of my book and if you are super keen to buy it, it's now available as a pre-order on Amazon so just click the link below. BUY MY BOOK SO I CAN BUY MORE BAD MOVIES! I'm very happy that they decided to take the Dr. Off my name, it makes me seem stuffy and the book is far from stuffy. The book is officially available from July 19th and, oddly enough, that is the day I will be arriving at Bovey Castle in Dartmoor...I shall as always, keep my eyes out for Monstorous hounds. On a non-Holmes front, I am also happy to announce that my short film "Alan" is getting his premier at Chapter Arts  Centre on August 5th, we shall also be doing a Bad

Who's hungry??

Well,   hello again.    Have you been out in the sunshine this week? No, me neither, it’s hateful.  For those who have been playing along with the new Sherlock “The Game is Now” thread I hope you’re all super excited about the Sherlock escape room that’s now booking in London.   It seems now you can put your sleuthing to the test and try to get out of your own locked room murder.   I wonder if it it’s something akin to the S4 Sherlock finale…if so, I hope I don’t have to shoot anybody in the face. Check out the website As you know I am contractually obliged to mention my soon to be published book: The Adventure of the Wordy Companion: The Handy A-Z of Sherlockian Phraseology.   And so with that done, on with my word selections.    This week I’m going for a food theme with words about food, people who snarf food or just Victorian food.   I’m also going to gift you a delightful Victorian recipe at the end, please do send pictures of your own a

A very Sherlockian week

Hello Well, what a week it's been!  Sherlock Day, Biscuit Day, Rosanne being fired for being too publicly racist Day... it's all too much. There's been quite a lot of Sherlockian activity and the most exciting part (apart from the impending release of my book) was the videos put out by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat about some new Sherlock venture.  It's not a new series or a special or anything for broadcast but they have been playing games with us and asking us to solve puzzles for clues.  If you've not joined in, then head over to follow them at @221b for the big reveal.  I also, finally, got to see Sherlock Gnomes and I didn't care that I was the only adult in the cinema without kids, it really enjoyed it.  It was sweet and silly, very silly, and just what a rainy Wednesday afternoon was made for.  Yes, I can go to the cinema on a Wednesday afternoon, THAT is what not having a proper job does for you.  I hope my mother takes that as